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esta Competition



My main idea comes from the Christmas feeling itself. Christmas is one of the holidays that we mostly spend with family and friends. The art of gifting is also one way to celebrate Christmas, but family is the most important gift of all.

Recently this covid 19 situation has been a big impact on society, many of us are concerned about the safety of our family.

The globe represents the plant-based antimicrobial that was created to protect your family and your loved ones against bacteria and viruses so that everyone can be healthy and protected with the new normal ahead.

With the element of Christmas by adding Santa's hat and scarf, and lots of vibrant colour to represent joy, warmth, and positive energy to keep moving forward.

The idea behind this design is I want to give a refreshed look and warmth at the same time using natural color and botanical patterns.
The color that uses in this pattern is mainly gold, green, white, midnight blue and red

Gold represents luck and prosperity
Green represents nature and growth
White represents simplicity and clean
Midnight blue represents importance, confidence, power, and authority Red represents security and brave

For the pattern, I was inspired by lemon trees and cherry fruit. Lemon symbolizes the refreshing feeling; lemon also symbolizes purity and It’s also being used to clear away the negativities and bacteria from the environment. Because of the meaning of lemon trees, I was inspired to create a pattern from it.

Cherry is one of the fruits that the Japanese believe bring luck and fortune. Cherry in ancient Greek also believes to be the fruit that symbolizes long everlasting life.

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